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Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies:
How Much More Shame From 
Can You Take ANYMORE Today?

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Hair Skin And Nails Gummies:
How Much More

"Is It Even Possible To
Rescue Your Bad-Skin ?"

(Even If It Is A Bad Outbreak Of AcneBlackHeads & WhiteHeads?)

And, Are You Tired Of All That Shame & Social Avoidance
That You Put Yourself Through...?

(Don't You Secretly Hope To Find A Safe & Healthy Way To
Improve Your Bad-Skin From Inside-Out In The Next 90 Days?)

"Is It Even Possible To
Rescue Your Bad-Skin ?"

(Even If It Is A Bad Outbreak Of Acne,
BlackHeads & WhiteHeads?)

And, Are You Tired Of All That Shame & Social Avoidance That You Put Yourself Through...?

(Don't You Secretly Hope To Find A Safe & Healthy Way To Improve Your Bad-Skin From Inside-Out In The Next 90 Days?)

GummBear - Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Bad Skin With 3 Girls Suffering From Bad Skin In A Row

 The Amazing Advanced Hair Skin & Nails Gummies 
That May Help To Improve Hair-Loss, Bad-Skin & Brittle Nails 
(That Unethical, Greedy, GMO Pharma Corporations Don't Want You To Know!!)

GummBear - Advanced Hair, Skin And Nails Gummies - Bad Skin, Comedonal Acne with Blackheads and Whiteheads on Ginger Teen, White Girl on Teal Background

 Are You Sick Of Hiding From Everyone Because Of Your Falling Hair, Poor Skin & Horrible Nails?

 Is The Sensation of Shame &  Embarrassment that You Feel Ruining Your Life & Missing Out-On-Opportunities Everyday?

"I feel so much shame that I even cry myself to sleep"
Ammie Smith, 42, Louisiana, USA
"I feel rock-bottom confident about how I look in the mirror that I missed out on my dream job at Google and that 6-figures salary!!"
Hannah Brown, 26, California, USA

of the FREEDOM & QUALITY OF LIFE That You Deserve.

GummBear Advanced Hair, Skin And Nails Gummies - Bad Skin, Comedonal Acne with Whiteheads And Blackheads on Olive-Skin Teen Girl Hiding Behind Her Hands In Embarrassment

 [Truth!!]:Your Bad-Hair, Bad-Skin & Bad-Nails 
Will Not Improve, Even In Multi-Years
Especially, If You Don't Get It Treated Now

(And Yes, That Shame Will Worsen In The Next Few Years)

Cleopatra's "What Would You Do For Beauty?" Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies
GummBear As Seen On Television And News!

 "Going A Day Without "Cleopatra's Advanced Hair Skin and Nails Gummies"
Means That I Am Cheating Myself Of The Best Hair, Skin And Nails That I Could Possibly Have Naturally" 

Angry Rashes Around My Nose, Mouth & Eyes (Before After Photos)
GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Healing Rashes Before And After Photos Showing Rashes Around Eyes, Nose And Mouth Using Vitamin B7 Biotin

"I tried to STOP TAKING "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" for a couple of days to see if it was working. As it turns out, my red-scaly rashes on my face, especially around the my eyes, nose and mouth regions re-appeared again...

...Not only that, my acne - my previous usual blackheads appeared on my nose, and whiteheads around my forehead (yes that oily T-zone areas) erupted back again to its angry previous flared-up state...

So I popped 2 gummies of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" and within the 3 days, my flared-up skin subsided, slowly clearing up again...

...For a moment, I felt regretful for temporarily stopping taking the gummies, its like sabotaging myself when my skin was improving, and now I am back to square one again...

...But hey, I just wanted to know if the gummies worked, and it turns out, Yes! They Do Work!

There is no way that I can start my mornings without these skin gummies; they are such a Big Deal! Thank you, guys!"
Marianne Davis, 24, Kingsport, Tennessee, USA

Your Bad-Hair, Bad-Skin & Bad-Nails 
Are Costing You 
In 3 Shocking Ways:

(If You Are Reading This,
You Are Probably Suffering from These 3 Problems!!)

Your Bad-Hair, Bad-Skin & Bad-Nails 
Are Costing You 
In 3 Shocking Ways:

(If You Are Reading This,
You Are Probably Suffering from These 3 Problems!!)

Problem #1

 POOR Skin/Hair/Nails = MISERABLE

GummBear - You Can't Go Outside Or Outdoors Because Of Your Poor Looks So Try Cleopatra's Beauty Secret Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies

You Can No Longer
Enjoy The Great Outdoors
= MISERABLE Indoor Life
Because of Your Poor Looks

A whooping 78% of my patients quoted that having a terrible hair, skin and nails automatically make themselves feel that they are unable to enjoy the great outdoors, even if they wanted to, because of the social judgement and poor-treatment by their immediate community and social-circles.

The situation got so bad that as much as 83% fall into depression within 3 months of being unable to spend time outdoors.

"I feel miserable being left out from any outdoor activities and outings with my loved ones...I feel forgotten and unloved...If I had invested properly in skin nutrition and health, I probably would still have my good, baby-smooth skin ", lamented Yvonne Harris, 32, one of my patients.

Problem #2

  POOR Confidence = LOUSY Job & Pay

GummBear - Your Poor Hair, Poor Skin, Poor Nails, Shackles You To Poor Paying Jobs With Low Income So Change Your Fate By Using Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies

You Can't Get Your DREAM JOB Earning HIGH INCOME
= Because Of Your
Poor Confidence

"I dreamt of having my dream job with high salary in that power business suit but I feel that I wouldn't be able to move past that 1st interview because I am not ready least beauty-wise, with my poor skin and horrible hair..."

"To make matters worst, I live from paycheck-to-paycheck and I can never afford good skin and hair vitamins...they are all soo expensive", Jenny Miles, 27.

With my patients, having affordable, good skin, hair and nails vitamin makes that difference in their confidence to turn their lives around for the better.

I noticed that even if my patients start small, they end up big in life!  

Problem #3

  Everyone AVOIDS You = ALONE

GummBear - Everyone Avoids You Because Of Your Bad Hair, Bad Skin, Bad Nails So Try Using Advanced Hair, Skin And Nails Gummies Now

People AVOID You
Because You Allow Yourself To Look This Horrid!

"It's a mean mean world out there when you don't look like as good as them..."

"...I have had my friends shun me away because I neglected the way I look over the years...Even kids avoid me at the mall, I can't even believe it!" Nora Brown, 47.

Within 2 years of neglecting their looks and nutrition, 68% of my patients' skin (and hair) deteriorate rapidly, with sagging, un-bouncy skin to the touch and increased hairfall.

"If only I eat the right nutrition, then I wouldn't look soo old amongst my least it would be easier for me to make new friends and say hello to passer-bys while walking the dogs down the city parks...", laments Patricia Cruz, 51.

Unethical, Greedy, Beauty Industry Hate This Secret!

 They Want You To Spend More Money On Makeups & Cosmetics To Make More Money Out Of You

(But Natural Beauty Comes From Inside...
Not From the Outside...)

Unethical, Greedy, Beauty Industry Hate This Secret!

 They Want You To Spend More Money On Makeups & Cosmetics To Make More Money Out Of You

(But Natural Beauty Comes From Inside...
Not From the Outside...)

Through Your Bad Skin, Bad Hair, Bad Nails 
The Beauty Industry Is Robbing You In The Long Term!

Makeups & Cosmetics Are Temporary Short-Term Fixes That Only Works On The OUTSIDE;

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Skin Degradation Over Time Without Skin Vitamin Supplements

You Need To Treat The Underlying Problem First!
You Need To Treat From The INSIDE!!

Know Your Pain;
I Know Your Bad Skin, Bad Hair & Bad Nails 
Are Killing Your Confidence &
Sabotaging Your Opportunities In Life!

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies I Know Your Bad Skin, Bad Hair And Bad Nails Are Killing You And Sabotaging Your Opportunities In Life

I believe I know some things about you and your current situation...

I know you're suffering from bad skin, bad hair and even bad nails, who dreams of attaining your freedom to live your live - confident, happy, wealthy, healthy and most of all, free from anxiety!

Currently, you're focused on a day-to-day basis trying to fire-fight your problematic skin, horrible hair and ugly nails right now with the hope that one day you can return to your normal, anxiety-free life, right?

Your Goal to Lead
A Confident, Wealthy, Healthy & Free Life...

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies; Your Goal To Lead A Confident, Wealthy, Healthy, Free Life

So, let me ask you a question...

Would you be ecstatic if you could have in your fingertips a quick solution to relief your blemished skin, unruly hair and brittle nails right now?

All by just popping a couple of gummies (candy gummy-bears) that are produced from natural botanicals, while letting your own body naturally increase its anti-oxidants levels in your body (to repair your damaged skin, hair and nails on its own) ?

Because if you could do those things, ultimately, that would mean you could confidently face crowds of people, such as family gatherings, hang out with your cool friends that you have been dreaming about all these while and even choose to apply for your Dream Job (plus its sky-hight salary) and live independently while being financially-abundant!!

(Which would be super amazing!!)

Your Doubts on Hair Nails and Skin Vitamins

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies Your Doubts On Hair Nails And Skin Vitamins

Unfortunately, I also get the sense there are some roadblocks for you here, including figuring out how to:
 Find a solution to alleviate your poor skin, hair and nails that is quick & safe to consume
 Tasty enough that you can eat it like candy, and none of that yucky vitamin pills again
 Does not contain toxic, synthetic, GMO ingredients that will harm your body
 Does not require doctor's prescriptions that you have to keep visiting the doctor's office again and again
 Made from certified, non-GMO, natural botanicals & herbs
 Easily ordered online from your mobile phone without having to trouble anyone else anymore
 Gets delivered to your doorstep in as fast as 2 to 5 days (within USA)
 But is cheap enough for you without wreaking your bank account
Sounds familiar?

You Seen Sub-Par-Quality Hair and Nail Vitamins for
Large Pharma's Quick Profits?

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - You Seen Sub-Par Quality Hair And Nails Vitamins For Large Pharma Quick Profits

Another thing...

Are you also really frustrated by the fact that the market is crowded with hair, skin and nail vitamin pills that doesn't work and are super-expensive (designed for quick profits for large pharmaceutical companies at the expense of your health)?

Also, are you frustrated that more and more unsafe vitamin pills are manufactured in China (and subsequently shipped here into USA...? )

You certainly don't want any of these frustrations, right?
(Yes, neither do I...)

Your Hair, Nail and Skin Growth Questions

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Your Hair Nail And Skin Growth Questions

Plus, do you constantly ask yourself these questions about how to move forward?:
 What exactly do I optimally need as far as dosage of vitamins without harming my body, yet still able to effectively improve my horrible skin, hair and nails?
 How can I improve the condition of my skin, hair and nails without any painful injections or invasive, costly surgery?
 How easily can I get the hair, skin and nail vitamins delivered to me if I need continuous, fresh supplies for my long term improvement (without troubling people around me anymore)?
 Is the hair, skin and nails vitamins safe? Has it been analysed by other independent labs on its ingredients claims (organic & ingredient weightage claims)?
 Is the hair, skin and nails vitamins tested by external food & safety labs on its consumption safety (heavy metal & biological contaminant tests such as lead, mercury, arsenic, yeast & mold)?

You Say "NO" to
Makeup, Cosmetics, Skin Beauty Needles & Surgery 
as a Solution

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - You Say NO To Makeup, Cosmetics, Skin-Beauty-Needles And Surgery As A Solution

One last question...

Do you ever find yourself thinking:

"Isn't my poor skin, hair and nails supposed to be a doctor's job?
Or the manicurists?
Or the hair-stylist?
Or the make-up artist?"

"So why hasn't scientists develop makeup and cosmetics that can cure my problematic skin?" or

"If makeup and cosmetics can make me look good", then
"Why bother about skin, hair and nails vitamins?"

I know I did ask myself these!

Your Hair, Skin and Nails Advance is Being Blocked
by Big Pharma Corporations

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Your Hair Skin and Nails Advance is Being Blocked by Big Pharma Corporations

And finally, to make matters even worse, sometimes (no matter what you do), it just feels that the unethical, greedy, profiteering, beauty industry are actively going out of their way to sabotage your success to live without makeup and cosmetics (to be beautiful without their makeups and cosmetics)...

Because sometimes, it feels crappy to be held 'hostage' to keep on purchasing their expensive makeups and cosmetics that is a temporary solution, which lasts for the short term...(You are only beautiful now when you use their makeup & cosmetics now)...

But how about the long term?
Especially when you can't afford their expensive makeups and cosmetics, month-after-month, year-after-year?

Well let me tell you, I know exactly how you feel because I've been there myself...

Your Hair, Skin and Nails Advanced 90-Day Challenge

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Your Hair Skin and Nails Advanced 90-Day Challenge

When all is said and done, my guess is you really just want to have a long-term solution to have clear, beautiful skin, long luscious hair, and healthy-looking nails so that you feel better about yourself...(without all the makeup and cosmetics)...

Which consequently lets you be confident being around people who matters to you, such as hanging out with family, friends and colleagues...

Or even give you enough courage to apply for that Dream Job of yours?

And change your life with its abundant wages, and go live in the big cities stress-free with your financial-being well-taken care of by your new high-paying job...

If this sounds at all like you...

Then, I'd like to invite you to check out my 90-Day Advanced Hair, Skin and Nails Challenge, so you can experience true freedom by being able to enhancing how your skin, hair and nails look...

Do you want to learn more...?

What is the Best Treatment for
Hair Skin And Nails Problems?

A Natural & Tasty Vitamin Gummy to treat
Your Hair, Skin And Nails Deficiency 
- That Is The Best Gift For Yourself!

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - What Is The Best Treatment For Hair Skin And Nails Problems?

If you want to work towards achieving and sustaining "luscious hair, supple skin and strong nails" again in the long term through a safe way, benefitting from non-GMO, natural botanicals it in as little as 90 days...

...then "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" is definitely for you...

My offer includes:

1 Bottle of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" -
(30-Day Supply)(60 Gummies)

This 30 Day Supply of Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies makes it easy to enhance the looks of your hair, skin and nails again in a reasonable amount of time, so that you may find your confidence, freedom and independence again.

Bottom Line: I promise to show you
"How To Advance Hair, Nail and Skin Growth in the Next 90 Days"
(Just by Popping These Natural-Botanical Gummies Every Morning)!

 "No Way Am I Applying Those Harsh, Blistering, Retinoids On My Skin Anymore!
Only Natural, Botanicals To Heal My Skin From "Inside-Out" For Me From Now On!!"

"NO" to Toxic, Harsh Retinoids For My Acne Ever Again! Just Skin Vitamin Gummies For Me!
GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Before After Photos of Comedonal Face Acne Blackheads Whiteheads Treatment With Vitamin B7 Biotin

"When I was in high-school, I had comedonal acne, in particular blackheads and whiteheads on and around my nose. So I used those pore strips and eventually moved up to retinol...

...Despite using them for many months, they underlying problems never went away...They just kept coming back again and again...It was confusing and frustrating and expensive too...

On top of that, it was embarrassing to come to class with a red, swelling nose until my classmates called me 'Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer!' "... I cried because I was bullied in school for something that wasn't my fault!

...It was then that my biology teacher, Mrs Miller, explained to me that perhaps I was lacking certain critical skin vitamins that could allow my body to repair my skin...

"From The Inside-Out" she said...

"So from then onwards, I swore to myself to only put natural products into my body, with the philosophy of healing my body "From The Inside-Out"...

My mum stumbled on "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" by while looking for solutions online, ordered just 1 bottle to give it a try...

Lo and Behold, it was awesome and fun when the vitamins came in gummies instead those nasty pills!

...Plus I loved what it does to my skin when I can see improvements day after day...

...I am still popping 2 gummies every morning till this very day; its the miracle vitamins that my skin needs every morning to look this beautiful (*cough*, if I say so!)...

Anyway, it's like eating candy! I can't complain, and neither does my skin!"

Veronica William, 19, Mountain View, California, USA

Nature's Bounty Advanced
Hair Skin and Nails Gummies

(The Tastiest, All Natural, Non-GMO, Botanical,
Skin Vitamins You'll Ever Taste)

Nature's Bounty Advanced
Hair Skin and Nails Gummies

(The Tastiest, All Natural, Non-GMO, Botanical,
Skin Vitamins You'll Ever Taste)

Treat Your Hair Skin Nails Troubles
with Nature's Bounty!

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Treat Your Hair Skin Nails Troubles With Nature's Bounty

You're about to discover a new breakthrough that not only supports luscious hair, supple skin and strong nails...

...but also floods your damaged cells with anti-oxidants and nutrients that help cells around your skin, hair and nails to reduce the inflammation and damage done to these localised tissues...

Because after 13 years of research - and over $2 million spent on clinical studies - a renowned biochemist living near Seattle, Washington, has found one of the world’s greatest combination of nutrients to alleviate bad skin, bad hair and bad nails…

Hiding within natural, wholesome food in cow's milk, from high mountain cows grazing on the volcanic mountain slopes of Japan, is where he discovered the holy grail to alleviate these hair, skin and nails disorder!!

Study - Hair, Nail and Skin Growth Method

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Study 01 - Hair Nail and Skin Growth Method

Well, in one study, the scientist took a group of patients and divided them into two groups. One group became the placebo. Researchers gave the other group a daily dose of this natural breakthrough found from these high mountain cow's organic milk... 

Both groups made NO changes to their lifestyle. And both groups were monitored for six weeks and then rigorously assessed by the scientists...

In the placebo group there was no change. BUT when scientists assessed the group taking this natural breakthrough, they were astonished to discover changes – very surprising changes!

First, they discovered that these patients now reported thicker, fuller, luscious looking hair flourishing from their scalps...

Second, researchers discovered the patients were reporting more thicker, stronger, less brittle nails re-growth...

Third, rather unexpectedly, the patients were overjoyed that their previous red-scaly rashes around their eyes, nose and mouth has  receded to clear, supple, bouncy-to-the-touch skin...

About 52% of the patients who are suffering from comedonal acne, which is acne that causes blackheads and whiteheads, have been reported as being "cleared up", including a significant reduction in skin infections within this study...

That's Truly Remarkable!

Another Study -
A Hair, Skin & Nails Gummy Technique

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Another Study - A Hair Skin & Nails Gummy Technique

But There’s More. Because Scientists Conducted Another Study…

In this study, patients were given 5000mcg of this natural breakthrough as part of a tasty, gummy-bear chewable snack every day. Then after 8 weeks the patients were assessed.

Again The Scientists Were Amazed…

Because these patients had:
- reduced drastically their thinning and falling hair,
- reduced comedonal acne (blackheads & whiteheads),
- improved skin suppleness and hydration,
- reduced red-scaly rashes on their faces (eyes, nose and mouth regions),
- reduced skin infections and
- finally thicker, stronger nails!!

Isn't this simply amazing!!??

The Best, Tastiest, Natural Remedy with
Miraculous Hair, Nail and Skin Growth Properties;
Loaded With Non-GMO Biotin from Nature

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - The Best Natural Remedy with Miraculous Hair Nail and Skin Growth Properties Loaded With Non-GMO Biotin from Nature's Bounty

So, You’re Probably Wondering What Is This “Miracle” Nutrient?

It's Called "Vitamin B7 (Biotin), aka (also known as) The Beauty Vitamin"...

This variant of "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin) is extracted from the high mountain Japanese Black Cattle "Kuroge Washu" Organic Cow's Milk... growing around the fertile, volcanic mountain slopes of Kyushu, Japan where the rich, alluvial & volcanic sediments of the mountains generate the highly revered, high quality "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin) within these cow's milk...

The Japanese government, in collaboration with Kindai University, has placed priority through local initiatives in Miyazaki Prefecture to encourage more farmers to grow them, due to their miraculous nutrients to treat skin, hair and nails disorders with their re-growing and revitalising properties...

Luscious Hair with Reduced Hairfalls,
Youthful, Supple, Hydrated Skin and 
Stronger, Less Brittle Nails...

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Luscious Hair with Reduced Hairfall, Youthful, Supple, Hydrated-Skin and Stronger Less Brittle Nails

There’s 2 Reasons Why:

  1. They contain highly potent variants of "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin).

  2. This variant of The Beauty Vitamin, Vitamin B7 (Biotin), possess unique molecular structures.

Researchers have discovered these unique molecular structures help give them a unique ability to maintain the mucous membranes of the skin, reduce comedonal acne (blackheads & whiteheads), improve skin suppleness and hydration, reduce red-scaly rashes on faces (eyes, nose and mouth regions) and reduce skin infections.

Researchers also found they maintain high potency levels throughout their lives so they constantly work extremely hard to facilitate skin, hair and nail re-growth and revitalisation.

On top of that, researchers also noticed that these special molecular structures also reduce drastically the thinning and falling of hair, enhance thicker, fuller hair re-growth and at the same time, promotes thicker, stronger, longer, less brittle nails!!

This Is Their Secret To Near-Perfect Skin, Hair and Nails Re-Growth & Rejuvenation:
"The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin)!!

"The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
Reduces Hair-Fall Amongst Test Subjects
In Studies To Promote Hair Re-Growth!!

GummBear The Beauty Vitamin B7 Biotin Reduces Hair-Fall - Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies

This makes "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin) that comes from this Japanese Organic Egg Yolk a powerful cellular re-growth nutrient!!

So when YOU take "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin), your body gets a rush of nutrients that are shown to promote re-growth of skin, hair and nails cells naturally...

In fact, in a study, test subjects who took the "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin) reduces hair-fall by as much as 70%!!...

...And this "Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin), is so much safer, cheaper and more natural than other chemically-produced steroids or other invasive, surgical procedures out there in the market...

...This means when you're taking "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin), you are giving your hair follicles, tissues and cells a Natural, Non-GMO, Miracle Nutrient to restore your natural hair by reducing the volume of hair-fall experienced on a daily basis that other solutions simply can’t offer...

With so much anxiety and worry that you have to endure on a daily basis when you see your hair fall everyday, You Need Your Own Army Of Miracle Nutrients to reduce your hair-fall effectively (without all that unnecessary embarrassment and worry anymore!)

Bad Cells, Bad Tissue = Bad Skin, Hair & Nails

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies Bad Cells Bad Tissue Bad Skin Hair & Nails

Every Day The Cells In Your Skin, Hair and Nails Are Fighting Off 2 Silent Threats:

Silent Threat #1:
Cells That Are Poisoned By Radicals & Toxins

Every day your skin, hair and nails – as well as the cells & tissues surrounding your them - are under attack from free radicals and toxins such as UV light, pollution, physical and chemical-styling stresses, processed foods, high fat foods...

PLUS the increasing use of pesticides, hormones and genetic modifications found in your everyday food sources...

This causes the DNA inside your skin, hair and nail cells to break down and lose their ability to make sharp "carbon copies."

In a sense, your cells are slowly being compromised, accelerating the aging of your skin, deterioration of your hair quality and embrittling your nails development.

But thankfully, "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin), arrests these disorders and may potentially 'reverses' the damage done by encouraging positive re-growth of healthy skin cells, re-growth of thicker, fuller hair follicles, and also encourages the re-growth of longer, thicker nails... 

In short, when the body has this miracle nutrient, "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin) in its arsenal, here's what can happen: you may potentially improve the quality of your life through a re-generation of your skin, hair and nails to a better looking you!!

Isn't this really wonderful...?

Bad Nutrition = Bad Cells, Bad Tissue

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Bad Nutrition = Bad Cells, Bad Tissue

Silent Threat #2:
Nutritionally-Starved Cells

Just like your body needs food to survive, your hair, skin and nails' tissue & cells need nutrition to live. So when the tissue and cells are not getting nutrients like life-giving nutrients, they are literally starving to death!

They slowly shrink and then may die off.

But with "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin)…

...suddenly cells that were once starved and dying may be reborn and rejuvenated.

They Sparkle To Life Again!

Natural Treatment vs Synthetic Treatment
(for Skin, Hair And Nails Growth Management)

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Natural Treatment vs Synthetic Treatment for Skin Hair And Nails Growth Management

In fact, when "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin) comes from the high mountain Japanese Black Cattle "Kuroge Washu" Organic Cow's Milk, it can be up to 2 times more powerful than any synthetic-based vitamin B-complex traditionally prescribed by your pharmacists.

"The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin) works naturally harder and is absorbed preferentially by the human body than the synthetic vitamin B-complex, in an independent study...

That Means "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin) Has 2 Times More Effective Power than leading lab-produced synthetic vitamin B-complex!

That’s Simply Astounding!!

Our patients have taken tens of thousands of doses, with no serious adverse conditions. And scientists have extensively researched "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin) for decades and published in respectable Academic & Health Journals!

Tastiest & Natural Treatment for
Beautiful Hair, Supple Skin & Strong Nails

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Tastiest And Natural Treatment for Beautiful Hair, Supple Skin And Strong Nails

So What Does All This Mean To You?

It means you can effectively rejuvenate your skin, hair and nails over the long term in a safe way...

Imagine enjoying gorgeous looking skin, lush hair and healthy-looking nails...
while being admired in family gatherings, BBQ and outings...
while being envied by friends, co-workers and acquaintances...
while being revered speaking in front of a group of people...
while being highlighted with a healthy glow as you move across the room…
or even having interviewing managers being awestruck in your next dream job interview...

If you feel like you’re aging faster than you’d like...
or experiencing more hairfall than you'd like…
or seeing your nails becoming more brittle that you'd like...

Then, You Now Have A Safe*, Natural, Proven Ingredient.

But there's more important news about "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin), you need to know…

Over 13 years of research and nearly over $2 million worth of clinical studies back it up.

Taking it every morning with your breakfast means you get 24-hour skin, hair and nails revitalisation against the main causes of skin, hair and nail disorders and degeneration.

By taking "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin), you can 'declare war' on "I can't because I have bad hair right now...or bad skin today...or bad nails..." type-of-excuses and commit yourself to living a better quality of life..

But we didn’t just stop our research with "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin)…

Enhanced Fortification with 
11 Anti-Oxidant Molecules & Critical Minerals
Within Hair Skin And Nails Gummies

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Enhanced Fortification with 11 Anti-Oxidant Molecules And Critical Minerals Within Hair Skin And Nails Gummies

Super  Fortification #2 "11 Anti-Oxidant Molecules & Critical Minerals"

Scientists have identified a cluster of "11 anti-oxidant molecules and critical minerals" to complement the human absorption of "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin) into the damaged cells of skin, hair and nails of the human body...

The cluster of "11 anti-oxidant molecules and critical minerals" are:
(1) Vitamin A (as retinyl acetate)
(2) Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid)
(3) Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol)
(4) Vitamin E (dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate)
(5) Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl)
(6) Folate (as 400 mcg folic acid)
(7) Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin)
(8) Pantothenic Acid (as calcium d- pantothenate)
(9) Iodine (as potassium iodide)
(10) Zinc (as zinc citrate)
(11) Sodium (as sodium citrate)

Most people are unsure of this cluster of "11 anti-oxidant molecules and critical minerals". So let me tell you about what makes it so amazing:

First, this cluster of "11 anti-oxidant molecules and critical minerals" complements the molecule, "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin) better than without it...

Second, when "11 anti-oxidant molecules and critical minerals" works in synergy with  "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin), you achieve your desired results quickly, encouraging the rapid re-growth of healthier-looking skin, hair and nails...

Third, the cluster of "11 anti-oxidant molecules and critical minerals" is produced in a state-of-the-art facility here in Payson, UTAH, USA, to ensure quality, purity and freshness.

Finally, the cluster of "11 anti-oxidant molecules and critical minerals" has been proven to alleviate inflammation deep in human skin, hair and nail tissues, offering as the ideal super-cluster-ingredient to be partnered with "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin) to help regenerate healthy, new skin, hair and nail cells...

12 PowerHouse Miracle Molecules
Combined Into 1 Tasty Gummy

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - 12 PowerHouse Miracle Molecules Combined Into 1 Tasty Gummy

Here's the best news of all!


We're bringing you, the most optimal formula that combines the cluster of "11 anti-oxidant molecules and critical minerals" and "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin) into 1 tasty 'gummy-bear' gummy!

So your bad skin, hair and nails gets the very best found in our world to promote a re-growth of your skin, hair and nails...

...All so that you may gain the best possible version of yourself!!

Its Called:
"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" 
(30-Day Supply) (60 Capsules)

Working Towards A
Better Version Of Yourself;
Confident, Healthy & Free Life

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Working Towards A Better Version Of Yourself A Confident, Healthy And Free-Life

So What Does All This Mean For Your Bad Skin, Hair & Nails?

When you take
"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"....
 You’ll flood your bad skin, hair and nails with rejuvenating and repair nutrients
 You’ll get all the re-growth of hair, skin and nails benefits of the Japanese diet – but without having to shove down your mouth pounds and pounds of organic cow's milk
 You’ll get around-the-clock skin, hair and nails repair even while you are sleeping or watching movies on Amazon Prime TV & Netflix or even taking a walk with your dog
 You can be more confident about your own skin when you hang out with people that matters to you, or even confidently meet new people, which you have been dreaming of
 You are free to job hunt that dream job to raise your standard of living and social status
 You may achieve a higher state of confidence, (and burying your old fears behind you) because you are living a better version of yourself today!!
(Which will be amazing!)

An Underrated Nutrient Supplement 
Using Nature's Bounty As Part of Your Body's
Healthy Skin, Hair And Nails Re-Growth System

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - An Underrated, Nutrient Supplement Using Nature's Bounty As Part of Your Body Healthy Skin, Hair And Nails Re-Growth System

"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"
anti-oxidative & hair, skin and nails re-growth power comes from joining twelve powerhouses ingredients!

Each of these nutrients is tremendously effective on their own...

But when combined in "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies", the synergy of these twelve ingredients all delivers unprecedented benefits to your skin, hair and nails re-growth and revitalisation...

This Is Why I Urge You To Consider Getting Your Supply Of
"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"

Right before this, your skin, hair and nails were strong and healthy... being the cornerstone of your beauty. This was how your skin, hair and nails behaved, as it should be...

But today, the reason that you are here is because your skin, hair and nails no longer performs as it should…You are now battling non-stop bouts of skin breakouts and wrinkling, falling hair and brittle nails, as we speak...

The Good News…

There’s hope! Because we searched the globe to find the best natural ingredients and leading experts in integrative medicine and joint health to formulate "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies".

In a moment, you can take advantage of this super-supplement that can give you results that you have been dreaming of all these while...

USD $0.78 Per Gummy -
That's How Much it is to
Unshackle Yourself from Your
Poor Skin, Hair & Nails

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - USD$0.78 Per Gummy, That Is How Much It Is To Unshackle Yourself from Your Poor Skin, Hair And Nails

So, there you have it..

Together, they'll facilitate the re-growth of your skin, hair and nails...

"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" may reduce your hairfall, thinning hair, skin breakouts, poor skin and brittle nails...

All by just eating 2 tasty gummies every morning!

Of course, if you tried to get your hands on all the ingredients in a single bottle of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" separately, you’d pay well over $140.00...

But since you’ve made the cut into our special VIP Group, you'll get a big discount…

The Regular Price For "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" Is:
$140 A Bottle
Which is a complete bargain If you take the following into consideration:

We ONLY use the most advanced, Non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms), natural ingredients and cutting edge formulations found anywhere on the globe...

...Which we then ship to our lab and formulate each and every tasty gummy using the most advanced equipment available...

...And then, these tasty gummies (containing the potent skin, hair and nails nutrients), are shipped directly to your door...

"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" is NOT available in any store, or on any other website.
 But You Won’t Pay
 You Won’t Even Pay
 Not Even
When You Act Right Now, You’ll Get Your Hands On, A Full Bottle of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" In This Special VIP Offer…

For ONLY $47
That’s A Savings Of Over $93.00 Off
The Regular Price For... Only 78 Cents Per Capsule!

But Even Better…

If You Act Right Now, and Reserve 4 Bottles of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies", you’ll have a spot in our Private VIP Group which entitles you to our VIP Pricing, at only $31.75 Per Bottle!

USD $0.78 Per Gummy
or Your Money Back in 30 Days

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - USD$0.78 Per Gummy or Your Money Back in 30 Days

Think About It...

For only 78 cents per gummy – or a $0.78 per day - way less than the cost of a coffee at Starbucks – your hair, skin and nails are re-growing in a much healthy way!

...Plus you’ll be be revered highly amongst your loved ones (even strangers too), as being the "one with that natural beauty glow"!!

Are You Ready To Experience
The Power Of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"?

Good. But I’m Going to make you a deal you can’t pass up.

You don’t even have to make that decision now. In fact…

I’m so totally confident that you’ll love "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies", which is going to change your life for the better.

I’m doing something our accountants are telling me I simply cannot do...

I’m going to let you TRY "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" for 30 Days, and if for ANY Reason you’re not fully delighted with the results... Simply return the unused portion – and I’ll BUY IT BACK…

That’s Right.

I’ll send you a 30 Days supply right now, and if at any time you decide it’s just not working for you, just return the unused portion and I’ll buy it back…

I have a hunch that these ingredients combined might be one thing that you’re missing right now...

... even if you’re taking other supplements ... EVEN if you have a great diet.

… and even if you have an exercise program already in place!

But you won’t KNOW until you TRY it.

Imagine A Better Version Of Yourself;
A Confident, Healthy & Free Life Right Now:

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Imagine A Better Version Of Yourself A Confident, Healthy And Free Life Right Now!

But before you do, picture this for me now:

Picture The Confidence And Excitement You’re Going To Feel Flooding Into Your Body!

Imagine your gorgeous-looking skin, fuller-looking hair, stronger nails, your focused youthful mind, and abundant reservoirs of energy...

Let me take you by the hand and make it easy for you to…
 Take That Long Outdoor Walk Without Any Makeup And Still Glow With Your Natural Beauty
 Even Choose To Pursue That Dream Job With The High-Salary, Elevating Your Standard Of Living and Social Status
 Have In Your Fingertips A Quick Solution To Repair Your Damaged Skin, Hair And Nails Just By Eating Super Tasty Gummies (Unlike Having To Swallow Yucky Pills)
 And These Tasty Gummies Are  All Produced From Non-GMO, Natural Botanicals
 Letting Your Own Body Speedily Rejuvenate Your Damaged Hair, Skin And Nails
 Find A Solution For Skin, Hair And Nails Re-Growing That Is Quick, Effective And Safe To Consume; Does Not Contain Toxic, Synthetic, GMO Ingredients That Will Harm Your Body
 Gradually Work Towards Living A Better Version Of Yourself with Improved Skin, Better Nails and Younger-Looking Hair
 Experience True Freedom By Being Able To Feel Confident About Yourself Again
 Do It All Without Suffering In A Miserable Corner In Your Home, Huddling In Pain
 ... and Much, MUCH More!
And then imagine all of this without the worry, anxiety and the lack of confidence…
(yes, don't get me started again about the turmoil and pain you have with your own bad skin, bad hair and bad nails...)

2 Options To Solve Your Hair, Skin And Nails Issues-
One with Results, The Other One With None:

(You Can Even Scour the Forests of Amazon
But That Will Take Many Years To Match My Solution For You Today)

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - 2 Options To Solve Your Hair Skin And Nails Issues; One with Results, The Other One With None

With "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" and our team of researchers always striving to find the next, best, most cutting edge improvements and enhancements in improving your skin, hair and nails...

...You’ll Never Have To “Go It Alone”...

Here’s the situation though. You’re really going to need to Act Right Now. We’ve only set aside a certain number of bottles for our VIP Membership.

When They’re Gone...
They’re Gone.

So Right NOW You Have Two Options, As I See It…

Option 1…
You can keep spending hundreds of dollars on new books, diets, and potions, and try to make it on your own with ZERO results.

Option 2…
(If we haven’t sold out by the time you read this…)
Join Us Right NOW and get Your personal supply of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" and it will be on it's way to you...

But Hurry...

I can’t stress this enough. You need to ACT NOW to secure your place in our VIP Test group. There are literally hundreds of people watching this very same website right now… and soon, there will be a button appearing below this message.

When it does... you need to click it RIGHT AWAY and fill out the information on the very next page to get your spot secured.

Because you are already all the way to this point, it becomes clear to me that two things are true about you…

You’re serious about improving on how you look and you’re ready to take action...

...And you KNOW that you’re looking for something to repair your horrible hair, skin and nails this very second... from the inside out, on a molecular level…

Click the “YES! I Want Improvements To My HAIR, SKIN & NAILS NOW!!” button below before this offer disappears...

However, if the next page says “SOLD OUT” I apologize in advance but…someone else has already taken your spot and, for now, you’ve missed out on this fantastic opportunity...

I urge you not to let that happen, click the button below, fill out the next page…And we’ll RUSH your first shipment of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" straight to your door!

In less than 90 days after receiving can start experiencing the wonders of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"!

Your Hair, Skin And Nails Re-Boot Starts Now;
Especially If You Are Crying In Despair at 2:00AM,
In Bed, While Reading This...

GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Your Hair Skin And Nails Re-Boot Starts Now! Especially If You Are Crying In Despair At 2AM

Your Skin, Hair And Nails Re-Boot Starts Now;
Especially If You Are Crying In Pain at 2:00AM,
In Bed, While Reading This...

P.S. - It Doesn't Matter if it's 2:00 a.m. in the Morning!
We just Hope that You Are Not Wallowing In Anxiety And Despair at this Un-Godly Hour!

Register now and you'll be on your way to accessing the 90-Day Hair, Skin & Nails Challenge and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes… and using it to experience true freedom by being able to experience betterment in the quality of your hair, skin and nails in as fast as 90 days!

P.S. - Let's be blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you be able to find a solution to rejuvenate your hair, skin and nails that is quick, effective and safe to consume; That does not contain toxic, synthetic, GMO ingredients that will harm your body? Or not?

Probably not!

Face it!

Most of what you need is instruction and encouragement from someone who's "been there and done that" when it comes to trying to revitalise your hair, skin and nails right now. Get this 90-Day Hair, Skin & Nails Challenge NOW and you can experience true freedom by being able to be more confident in the way that your hair, skin and nails look, in as little as 90 days!

"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" is your key to take that long outdoor trip (without makeup) that you have been dreaming about all these while; Have in your fingertips a quick solution (tasty gummies) to repair your damaged hair, skin and nails from the inside-out of your body; A simple solution to alleviate your bad-hair, bad-skin, bad-nails, that is quick, effective and safe to consume; Does not contain toxic, synthetic, GMO ingredients that will harm your body; And move around confidently with a improved version of your better-looking self...

Act now! Buy now!

You Can Be Free!!

 "Only 'Non-GMO & Natural Botanical Products'
For Me & My Body!!"

Say "YES" To Natural Botanicals
GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Female Farmer Harvesting Natural Botanicals For Skin Vitamins

"When I was in my early-20s, my bestie, Emma, and I worked on a corn farm as ranch-hands in Ohio...

What we didn't know was that the corns were grown from GMO Genetically-Modified Organism grains...I had to leave after 5 days as my dad was wasn't feeling well back in Boise, leaving Emma behind, working on the farm for the next 6 months...

Little did I know that those times, Emma's everyday meals on the farm was a staple of GMO-corns and over the period of time, developed nasty food allergies and even Celiac Disease...Gosh!

...The reason why I may be standing tall today is perhaps because I read the labels on food that I put into my body, especially making sure that NON-GMO products/derivatives goes into my food. I only go for organic, natural botanicals...

Which explains why getting skin vitamins based on Non-GMO & natural botanicals is a huge deal for me. I have seen with my own eyes, of my friends who are battling cancer in their hospital beds to be conscientious enough to say 'NO' to 'GMO products' and 'YES' to 'natural botanicals'...

Now it says a lot that I trust "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - 
Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" to help me with my skin, hair and nails nutritional needs...

...At the end of the day, if it ain't "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" , I ain't putting anything else into my body...No discussion!"
Amber Clark, 31, Boise, Idaho, USA

Probably The Best & Tastiest All Natural
Hair, Skin And Nails Treatment in 2022

(Fight Using Nature's Most Powerful Anti-Oxidant Miracle Now!)

Probably The Best & Tastiest All Natural
Hair, Skin And Nails Treatment in 2022

(Fight Using Nature's Most Powerful Anti-Oxidant Miracle Now!)


12 PowerHouse Miracle Molecules

(It's Nature Bounty For Your Hair Skin And Nails)

Hair, Skin and Nails Gummies Benefits

GummBear Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - 12 Critical Ingredients For Good Skin, Good Hair And Healthy Nails

Supplement Facts:
Only the Neccesary Miracle Molecules
Without Any Unnecessary Bloat Additives / Chemicals

Supplement Facts

When we first started formulating this powerful advanced hair skin and nails gummies, we had experimented with the addition of many other ingredients and tested those initial prototypes on our patients for many months, just to see how effective certain ingredients work together within 1 formulation...

"Would 50 different ingredients in 1 formulation work better?" as we thought during those initial experiment stages

But little did we know that the best results came from NOT adding too many different ingredients together!

In fact, the best results on our patients came from just the synergistical power of 12 powerhouse miracle molecules which is the cluster of "11 anti-oxidant molecules and critical minerals" and "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin)!

Thats right!

The more ingredients we added, the less effective the formulation became when we got our clinical results from our initial patients...

The best results?

Just these cluster of "11 anti-oxidant molecules and critical minerals" and "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin) will deliver the best performance to combat your knee pain.

 We have since kept this formulation for the past 67,000 bottles that has changed the lives of men, women and teens who needed help with their troubled hair, skin and nails...

Certificate Of Analysis:
We Got Our Vitamin Gummies Tested In Independent Labs To Be Certified SAFE From Heavy Metals &
Biological (Bacteria & Virus) Contaminants

Certificate Of Analysis (COA)

People sometimes question us:
"Is your Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies, safe to consume?"

The answer is "YES!!"

Its a big deal for us that you have high-quality, safe, nutrients that your money can buy...

In fact, we have independent lab tests (see our Certificate of Analysis) proving that the gummies ("Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" ) you put in your mouth are safe, high-quality, non-GMO, botanical supplements...

Here are what the independent lab tests results says:
 Certified to be SAFE  from Heavy Metals Contaminants such as:
 Certified to be SAFE  from Biological (Bacteria & Virus) Contaminants such as:
 Yeast & Mold
 Staphylococcus aureus
 Salmonella spp.
 E.Coli (Escherichia Coli.)

Endorsed To Be Good For You,
The Environment & The Community

4 Certification Labels

We took the time to achieve these 4 Certification Labels that endorse "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" to be good for your body, the environment at-large as well as good for the community...
 [01] Certified "Non-GMO" Label
 Food ingredients are not Genetically Modified/Engineered Organisms (GMO)
 Food raised/cultivated according to the highest welface and care standards in industry
 [02] Natural Botanicals Label
 Only natural herbs and spices as sources are used as ingredients
 Eliminates the use of synthetic, lab-produced, toxic chemicals in product
 [03] Against Animal Testing Label
 Stops unethical, unnecessary, crippling experiments on animals
 Eliminates pain and suffering on thousands of  animals
 [04] Good Manufacturing Practice Label
 Adheres to International Standards for ensuring products are consistently produced
 Complies to Quality Standards and Procedures followed at each step in the process

Introducing our No. #1 best-selling beauty vitamin-
"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret -
Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"

"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" by

 [Picture This!!]:
Imagine How This Benefits You!!

(This Could Be You Right Now!!)

 [Picture This!!]:
Imagine How This Benefits You!!

(This Could Be You Right Now!!)

Benefit #1

 Supports Supple Skin with 
Reduced Comedonal Acne
(Blackheads & Whiteheads)

GummBear Benefits 01: Reduce Comedonal Acne Such As Blackhead And Whiteheads with Using Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies

How Badly Do You Want To Improve Your Skin?

If you had been searching for the best, natural remedy to support the rehabilitation of your skin (blackheads & whitehead)s, you may have indeed stumbled upon the holy grail here...!

"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" reduces comedonal acne (blackheads and whiteheads), even if you have a bad history of comedonal acne.

Through years of research and painstaking trial-and-error, I have only kept the main ingredients to just 12 of the best, most effective ingredients that work synergistically together as an effective fighting force to:

(1) support skin re-growth to improve skin suppleness and hydration,

(2) reduce comedonal acne, typically blackheads and whiteheads, that blemishes your face,

(3) reduce red-scaly rashes on faces (eyes, nose and mouth regions) by reducing skin infections...

Isn't it amazing to know that these are the only gummies (or candies) that can heal your skin...?

Benefit #2

 Supports Luscious, Thicker Hair
& Stronger, Less Brittle Nails

GummBear Stop Bad Hair And Brittle, Falling Hair By Using Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies

How Quick Do You Want Your Hair & Nails To Re-Grow?

In my clinic, my patients feel less confident about themselves when it comes to their bad-hair, and even poor nails...

...So through a series of experimentation on these patients, we discovered the best, synergistic combination of 12 ingredients that may improve in 3 main areas (of hair and nails re-growth) over a period of reasonable time...:

(1) reduce the thinning of hair follicles

(2) reduce the amount of falling hair over time

(3) improve the thickness of nails, away from thin, brittle nails... 

We have experimented with numerous formulations but "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" has pretty much 'nailed-it in the head' by being able to out-perform other formulation to improve hair and nails quality, dramatically and incrementally over a period of 90 days and more...

This is by far my 'Gold Standard' that I have yet to see beaten by other formulations out there!

Benefit #3

  Tasty, Delicious, Yummy
Skin Vitamins All Densely-Packed
In Vegetarian Gummies (Pectin-Based)

GummBear Eat Delicious, Tasty Gummy Bears For Skin Vitamins: Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies

Do You Like Bitter Yucky Pills?
Or  Tasty, Yummy, Gummies?

You could be travelling all the way to Japan to get your hands on this variant of "The Beauty Vitamin" Vitamin B7 (Biotin), extracted from the high mountain Japanese Black Cattle "Kuroge Washu" Organic Cow's Milk...

Or to the corners of the world to secure organic, Non-GMO, anti-oxidants, extracted from natural botanicals, to achieve the same ingredients as my formulation...

But wouldn't it be more convenient for you that I get them for you into 1 delicious gummy, via "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"?

...And on top of that, wouldn't it be a real joy and treat to just pop these tasty, delicious, chewable gummies right after your meals (just like a desert), to benefit from these skin, hair and nail vitamins...?

All for just USD$0.78 per gummy?

Where else can you get effective, advanced hair, skin and nails vitamins in a delicious gummy this cheap, and effective, without killing yourself over attaining these ingredients by yourself?

And where else can you profit from these skin, hair and nails vitamins just by popping mouth-watering, candy-like gummies (instead of gagging over repulsive, bitter, revolting pills)?

You really should get "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies". It has never been such a joy to chew on these savoury gummies to get all the skin, hair and nails vitamins you need, in a pleasurable manner!

 "Now, My Best 10-Seconds In My Life Is Walking Up To My Office Door,
To My Dream Job! Amen!!"

Clinching My Dream Job!
GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies - Helped Clear-Up My Skin And Got Me A High Paying Tech Job Working In My Dream Job

"When I just graduated from college, I was euphoric about graduating but funnily at the same time, I felt a little low about myself because I didn't have the confidence nor courage to apply to my dream job in the tech industry...

Plus there were many other graduates who were more talented, or well-groomed (good-looking) than me to get past through that critical interview stages...You see, I had neglected about my looks while preparing for the finals (examinations), with endless bouts of acne and flaky, dry skin...

So I decided to set my foundations (of my skin) right...

I had to nourish my skin with good skin vitamins, deep from the molecular levels...
That is my first step to clear all of my acne and scaly rashes around my eyes and nose...

...So I stumbled (and probably hit the jackpot) by investing on a good skin vitamin (
chewable gummy) from, in particular, "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"...

...All in, it took me about 3 months for my skin to clear up through the help of GummBear's skin vitamin gummies and yes, finally, I was courageous enough (and confident enough), to apply to 7 different tech companies in the Silicon Valley...

Eventually, 3 of the tech companies put me on interviews, and this time, I was more confident to meet the hiring managers in-person at their respective headquarters... 

Now that I am working in one of the tech companies that I had interviewed for,
I just wanna say that nothing beats that smell of being in the office of my Dream Job...
It smells financial nourishment and gaining my independence as a young adult...
As odd as it may sound, It's like a whole new world has opened up for me (Thanks GummBear!)...

Now, my best 10-seconds in my life is walking up to my office door...honest!

Thank the Lord for letting me get my Dream Job. Amen!!"
Jessie Harris, 26, Mountain View, California, USA

 [What Are You Waiting For?]:
Grasp Your Desired Goal Right Now!!

(Re-Define Your New Fate Despite The Odd Against You!!)

 [What Are You Waiting For?]:
Grasp Your Desired Goal Right Now!!

(Re-Define Your New Fate Despite The Odd Against You!!)

Goal #1

 Spectacular Return Of Yourself
To Your Loved Ones & Community

GummBear Happy Friends In Sunflower Fields By Using Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies

How badly do you treasure
your bond with loved ones?

Nothing in this world feels as good as the feeling of bonding with your loved ones...

...That feeling and sense of belonging to your family, friends and community...or your desired social circles

Especially that great feeling of returning spectacularly to them after a long hiatus...
 With your family...
 With your pet dog...
 With your romantic partner...
 With your besties...
 With your circle of friends...
 With the community that matters to you...
 With your desired social circles...
You live in a free country called America,
so why on earth do you want to forsake your freedom with your bad skin, bad hair and bad nails?

Goal #2

  Return Back, Or Even Upgrade,
Your Job & Career

GummBear Get That High Paying Tech Job By Changing Your Life When You Improve Your Hair, Skin And Nails By Eating Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies

Do you want to return back to work to earn your money?

Next, when you know you can look so much better, and having a better-looking version of yourself, you are free to return back to work...

...Or even better, get that Dream Job of your yours with better pay and working hours!

Returning back to work, or getting yourself to that Dream Job, means many things to you:
 Having an income to fend for yourself...
 Having the strength of self-worthiness...
 Having optimism for yourself and family...
 Having faith to pull out from the darkness...
 Having a strong heart to love others...
 Having the means to repay others' kindness...
 Having your dignity, so others respect you...
 Having back your pride and restored stature..
 Having that strength to fight again...
 Having the willpower to plan for the future again...
Your Dream Job gives you financial independence, fortitude and strength.

Believe me, nothing is more spectacular than the financial confidence that my patients get when they return back to work, or attained their Dream Job...

You would want to change the tables to your favour, wouldn't you?

Goal #3

  Reclaim Back
Your Self-Confidence

GummBear Achieve Your Independence By Improving Your Hair Skin And Nails By Popping 2 Gummies Of Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies

How soon do you want to get back your self-confidence?

With a new, better-looking version of yourself, it is inevitable that you will uncover and magnify a new feeling of self-confidence about your own skin...literally!

Its like suddenly having a new super-power that you never had before:
 You talk and speak better, without stumbling on your words to say what you want...
 You unconsciously stand taller, with shoulders pulled back naturally, signalling confidence, power and control...
 You start attracting people to you, with many of them approaching you instead...
 You get more invitations to their events, gathering and be a part of their inner circles
 Your worries, troubles and anxieties may strangely melt away, all left behind you...
 More opportunities in life may unlock with your new-found confidence...
 May even attract new partners and that unexpected romance...
Do not allow your bad skin, bad hair and even bad nails to turn your loved ones, and your desired social circles to turn against you!

Your goal to attaining your self-confidence is the most important attainment that you need to achieve in order for you to regain back your self-respect and love from the people around you!

GET Your FREE eArticles & eBooks
If You Buy Your Gummies Right Now!!

(You Won't See This Offer Again On Our Website If You Miss This!!)

GET Your FREE eArticles & eBooks
If You Buy Your Gummies Right Now!!

(You Won't See This Offer Again On Our Website If You Miss This!!)

***Get These Useful Short Articles FREE  When You Buy Now To Learn More About Your
Bad Hair, Bad Skin & Bad Nails***

GummBear Short e-Article - Easy And Inexpensive Ways To Have Beautiful And Healthy Skin

FREE Short Article 01 (Immediate Download)
"Easy And Inexpensive Ways To Have Beautiful And Healthy Skin"
(3 pages)
Short Sections include:
  • Keep Your Pillowcase Clean
  • ​Avoid Picking

USD$17 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase)

GummBear Short e-Article - The Flawless Skin Miracle For Women On A Budget

FREE Short Article 02 (Immediate Download)
"The Flawless Skin Miracle For Women On A Budget"
(2 pages)
Short Sections include:
  • Fruits, vegetables and fluids powerhouse secrets to good skin
  • ​Apply sunscreen each morning

USD$12 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase)

GummBear Short e-Article - What Wrinkles Really Mean Visible Aging And Your Heart Health

FREE Short Article 03 (Immediate Download)
"What Wrinkles Really Mean:
Visible Aging And Your Heart Health
(3 pages)
Short Sections include:
  • Creased Earlobes - Frank's Sign of Heart Disease
  • ​Yellow Deposits Under Eyes - Sign Of High Cholesterol

USD$17 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase) e-Article Complete Guide to Chronic Inflammation Food Checklist

FREE Short Article 04 (Immediate Download)
"The Complete Guide To Chronic Inflammation - Food Checklist"
(3 pages)
Short Sections include:
  • Anti-Inflammatory Foods: Eat More of These
  • Highly-Inflammatory Foods: Food To Avoid

USD$21 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase)

GummBear Short e-Article - The Secret To Caring For Sensitive Skin

FREE Short Article 05 (Immediate Download)
"The Secret To Caring For Sensitive Skin"
(3 pages)
Short Sections include:
  • Do Patch Tests
  • Shower Briefly

USD$23 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase)

GummBear Short e-Article - 10 Anti-Ageing Techniques

FREE Short Article 06 (Immediate Download)
"10 Anti-Aging Techniques"
(2 pages)
Short Sections include:
  • Reduce Grains In Your Diet 
  • Take Anti-Oxidants To Combat Free Radicals

USD$19 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase)

GummBear Short e-Article - Got Acne? Get Blemish-Free Skin With Inexpensive Natural Remedies

FREE Short Article 07 (Immediate Download)
"Got Acne? Get Blemish Free Skin With Inexpensive Natural Remedies"
(3 pages)
Short Sections include:
  • Use noncomedogenic skincare products
  • Keep your hands and fingernails away from inflamed areas to avoid transferring bacteria

USD$19 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase)

GummBear Short e-Article Feeling Depressed? 10 Things You Can Try Before Calling Your Doctor

FREE Short Article 08 (Immediate Download)
"Feeling Depressed? 10 Things You Can Try Before Calling Your Doctor"
(3 pages)
Short Sections include:
  • Consider Trying These Strategies to Address Your Depression
  • Depression Should Be Taken Seriously

USD$12 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase)

GummBear Short e-Article - Create Healthy Glowing Skin At Home

FREE Short Article 09 (Immediate Download)
"Create Healthy Glowing Skin At Home"
(3 pages)
Short Sections include:
  • Create Natural Masks At Home
  • Perform At-Home Facials

USD$17 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase)

GummBear Short e-Article - Give Your Skin A Lasting Glow With These Healthy Food Choices

FREE Short Article 10 (Immediate Download)
"Give Your Skin A Lasting Glow With These Healthy Food Choices"
(3 pages)
Short Sections include:
  • Avoid Processed Food
  • Eat Berries And Include Fiber Each Day

USD$21 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase) Short e-Article What Are You Really Eating? Read The Nutrition Facts Food Label

FREE Short Article 11 (Immediate Download)
"What Are You Really Eating? How To Read The Nutrition Facts Food Label"
(3 pages)
Short Sections include:
  • Breaking It Down - "Nutrition Facts"
  • Ingredients - Strengthening Your Health

USD$21 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase)

GummBear Short e-Article - What You Need To Know About Stress And Your Skin

FREE Short Article 12 (Immediate Download)
"What You Need To Know About Stress And Your Skin"
(3 pages)
Short Sections include:
  • Keep A Journal
  • Understand The Interactions

USD$19 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase)

GummBear Short e-Article - The Great Shower Debate: Cold Shower VS Hot Showers

FREE Short Article 13 (Immediate Download)
"The Great Shower Debate:
Cold Showers VS. Hot Showers"
(3 pages)
Short Sections include:
  • Accelerate Muscle Repairs
  • Can Help With Fat Loss

USD$27 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase)

GummBear Short e-Article - New Help For Preventing And Treating Scars

FREE Short Article 14 (Immediate Download)
"New Help For Preventing And Treating Scars"
(3 pages)
Short Sections include:
  • Resist Scratching
  • Inject Steroids

USD$21 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase)

GummBear Short e-Article - How To Maintain A Youthful Look Even If You Only Sleep Four Hours A Day

FREE Short Article 15 (Immediate Download)
"How To Maintain A Youthful Look Even If You Only Sleep Four Hours A Day"
(3 pages)
Short Sections include:
  • The Old Cucumber Trick
  • Moisturise And Keep The Makeup Light

USD$27 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase)

  ***WAIT!! Here's More!!***
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Sometimes, it takes a while for your bad hair, bad skin and bad nails to recover...
(We know... We have been there as well...)

So to keep your mind off the re-growth process,
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while your new advanced hair skin and nails gummies works its magic...
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Chapters include:
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  • Self-Intimacy & Its Impact On The Relationship
  • Building Trust & Intimacy
  • ​Building Intimacy Beyond Conflict

USD$87 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase) FREE eBook on "For The Love of Love; 7 Principles For Fostering A Healthy Relationship" (62 pages)

FREE eBook 01 (Immediate Download)
"For The Love of Love;
7 Principles For Fostering A Healthy Relationship" (62 pages)

Chapters include:
  • Grow Together, Not Apart
  • Four Paths To Intimacy
  • Mixing Finances with Romances
  • ​Interdependent, Not Co-dependent

USD$57 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase) FREE eBook on "Break Free of Negative Emotions" (22 pages)

FREE eBook 02 (Immediate Download)
"Break Free of Negative Emotions" (22 pages)
Chapters include:
  • Identifying Negative Emotions
  • Why We Hold On To Anger & Pain
  • Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Natural Remedies To Help Control Depression & Negativity

USD$37 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase) FREE eBook on "Beyond The Gym; Fitness Tips to Incorporate into Your Daily Life" (59 pages)

FREE eBook 03 (Immediate Download)
"Beyond The Gym; Fitness Tips to Incorporate into Your Daily Life" (59 pages)
Chapters include:
  • Move Your Body
  • Change How You Park
  • Make Phone Calls Count
  • Change How You Shop

USD$57 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase) FREE eBook on "Mindful Eating - Feel Great & Lose Weight" (55 pages)

FREE eBook 04 (Immediate Download)
"Mindful Eating - Feel Great & Lose Weight" (55 pages)
Chapters include:
  • Discovering Your Eating Cycle
  • Stress-Related Eating
  • Food & Mood
  • A Suggested Process For Eating Mindfully

USD$47 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase) FREE eBook on "Fanning The Flames; Revving Up The Romance In Your Relationship" (25 pages)

FREE eBook 05 (Immediate Download)
"Fanning The Flames; Revving Up The Romance In Your Relationship" (25 pages)
Chapters include:
  • "Courting" to Keep Your Love Alive
  • Know How to Communicate With Your Partner
  • Avoiding Arguments
  • Opening Up Emotionally With Your Partner

USD$37 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase) FREE eBook on "Creating The Life You Love; 6 Things You Can Do To Develop Self-Compassion & Live Fully" (78 pages)

FREE eBook 06 (Immediate Download)
"Creating The Life You Love;
6 Things You Can Do To Develop Self-Compassion & Live Fully" (78 pages)

Chapters include:
  • Clear Out All Areas of Doubt
  • Avoid Overthinking
  • Let Go of What Holds You Back
  • Hold On To What Moves You Forward 

USD$67 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase) FREE eBook on "Passion To Profit; Turning Your Passion Into A Profitable Side Hustle" (66 pages)

FREE eBook 07 (Immediate Download)
"Passion To Profit;
Turning Your Passion Into A Profitable Side Hustle" (66 pages)

Chapters include:
  • Identify Your Passions & Interests
  • Validate Your Side Hustle
  • Determine What Sets You Apart From Your Competitors
  • Provide Amazing Experiences For Your Customers

USD$97 Value
(Your Get This For FREE Upon Purchase)

GummBear 5 Bottles of Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies With Free E-Books And Free Short E-Articles
GummBear Arrow To Offer Stack of eArticles and eBooks

Get Your FREE 15 Short e-Articles When You Buy Now!

  • FREE Short e-Article 01: Easy And Inexpensive Ways To Have Beautiful And Healthy Skin (USD$17 Value)
  • FREE Short e-Article 02: The Flawless Skin Miracle For Women On A Budget (USD$12 Value)
  • FREE Short e-Article 03: What Wrinkles Really Mean: Aging And Your Heart Health (USD$17 Value)
  • ​FREE Short e-Article 04: Complete Guide To Chronic Inflammation - Food Checklist (USD$21 Value)
  • ​FREE Short e-Article 05: The Secret To Caring For Sensitive Skin (USD$23 Value)
  • ​FREE Short e-Article 06: 10 Anti-Aging Techniques (USD$19 Value)
  • FREE Short e-Article 07: Got Acne? Get Blemish Free Skin With Natural Remedies (USD$13 Value)
  • FREE Short e-Article 08: Feeling Depressed? 10Things To Try Before Calling Your Doctor (USD$12 Value)
  • ​​FREE Short e-Article 09: Create Healthy Glowing Skin At Home (USD$17 Value)
  • ​​FREE Short e-Article 10: Give Your Skin A Glow With These Healthy Food Choices (USD$21Value)
  • ​​​FREE Short e-Article 11: What Are You Eating? How To Read Nutrition Facts Label (USD$21 Value)
  • FREE Short e-Article 12: What You Need To Know About Stress And Your Skin (USD$17 Value)
  • FREE Short e-Article 13: The Great Shower Debate: Cold Showers VS. Hot Showers (USD$19 Value)
  • ​FREE Short e-Article 14: New Help For Preventing And Treating Scars  (USD$12 Value)
  • ​FREE Short e-Article 15: How To Maintain A Youthful Look Even If You Sleep Four Hours (USD$19 Value)

 In Addition, Get Your FREE 8 e-Books When You Buy Now!

  • FREE WELCOME E-Book: How to Deepen Intimacy In Your Relationship (USD$87 Value)
  • FREE E-Book 01: For The Love of Love; 7 Principles For Fostering A Healthy Relationship (USD$57 Value)
  • FREE E-Book 02: Break Free of Negative Emotions (USD$37 Value)
  • ​FREE E-Book 03: Beyond The Gym; Fitness Tips to Incorporate into Your Daily Life (USD$57 Value)
  • FREE E-Book 04: Mindful Eating - Feel Great & Lose Weight (USD$47 Value)
  • ​FREE E-Book 05: Fanning The Flames; Revving Up The Romance In Your Relationship (USD$37 Value)
  • FREE E-Book 06: Creating The Life You Love; 6 Things You Can Do To Live Fully (USD$67 Value)
  • FREE E-Book 07: Passion To Profit; Turning Your Passion Into A Profitable Side Hustle (USD$97 Value)


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GummBear - As Seen On TV

Don't Take Our Word For It
Hear What Our 67,000 Satisfied Customers have To Say
About their "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" Experience!

 Advanced Hair, Skin and Nails Gummies Reviews! Advanced Hair, Skin And Nails Gummies Reviews - Improved Frizzy Hair Into Strong, Smooth, Luscious And Healthy, Bouncy Hair
 Aaliyah J*****n
🇺🇸  USA
25 Jan 2022 12:28
  Verified Purchase: "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"
I can't even stand the sight of looking at myself on the mirror...My frizzy, voluminous hair, acne on my cheeks and even brittle nails disgusts me...

Now I pop 2 gummies every morning, and feel a whole lot better and get it off my chest because I know that deep down in my cells, "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" is performing  it's magic to turn my hair, skin and nails internal repair around...

Before, I wouldn't even dare to go outside without using concealing make-ups. But now, my skin and hair has improved so much that I can have a choice whether to go makeup free, or not, to my social gatherings...

Its been 1.5 years and I have never looked back without these miracle skin vitamin gummies...Thank you so much, guys! Reviews - Tour De France Cycling With Improved Facial Skin From Being Sunburnt and Sun-Ageing
 Michelle M***s
🇺🇸  USA
08 Mar 2022 18:27
  Verified Purchase: "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"
I didn't expect for my skin to age and deteriorate from cycling because it never occurred to me that cycling could ever be a cause of it...

So it came to the point that I started to get very concerned when my face would get badly sun-burnt, and start to wrinkle up and develop red-angry rashes around my exposed areas around my eyes, nose and mouth...

My teammate recommended me's "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies", and the skin improvement has been nothing short of amazement. It definitely reduced all that scaly, flaking, angry, red rashes on my face...

On days that I forgot to eat them in the morning, I will eventually feel the return of  my angry red-rashes again (usually right after of my practice) cycling sessions!
GummBear Outdoor Girl Transform Bad Skin And Sun-Kissed Hair Into Gorgeous Skin And Luscious, Beautiful Hair As Part Of Advanced Hair, Skin And Nails Gummies Reviews
 Mikeala Antonio R******z
🇪🇸  Spain
12 Feb 2022 06:29
  Verified Purchase: "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"
When you live life constantly in the outdoors like me, you 'face the music' of having frazzled hair, sun-damaged skin and chipped nails...

Well, in the outdoors, its too much of an inconvenience, or unavailability, of many creams and potions to take care of your hair and skin...You just don't have the time nor the patience for it!

Consequently, nothing can be more painful than sun-damaged skin, so you need to know how to let your skin fight the outdoor and weather elements on its own...

My "Go-To" hack to combat sun-damaged hair and skin?

Just get a bottle of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" from

...Works like magic for me!!
GummBear Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies Reviews - Transformation of Comedonal Acne of BlackHeads And WhiteHeads Into Clean, Clear, Beautiful Skin While Hiking On Pacific Crest Trail
 Amanda D****n
🇺🇸  USA
04 Mar 2021 21:14
  Verified Purchase: "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"
After 6 long months of trekking in the mountainous trails of Pacific Crest Trail at the Oregon-Washington border, my skin was taking a toil from the sun.

It's hard when you are trekking to take good care of your skin. My face was breaking out with comedonal acne with lots of blackheads and whiteheads over my nose and oily T-zone areas as I really don't have all the skincare that I need to remove them effectively...

Hence my skin recovery was a complex and painful one. I had to treat my sun-damaged skin on top of getting the blackheads and whiteheads without further blemishing my skin...

But now, I am better armed with the ultimate internal skincare, treating from the inside-to-outside; with GummBear's "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" because that is by far the most convenient way to treat my skin on the trails - yes, of course! All by just popping in 2 gummies after my morning coffee and breakfast! 

So now I got smarter and pack enough bottles of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" (usually 6 bottles will last 6 months on the trails; ie. 1 bottle per month) and that solves my skin problems out in the harsh trails...

Why didn't I discover this miracle skin vitamin gummies 1 year ago when I first started hiking in the trails...?
GummBear Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies Reviews On Reversing Sun Damaged Hair And Skin From Surfing Out In The Ocean Into Beautiful, Flowing, Smooth, Thicker And Stronger Hair And Supple, Tanned Skin
 Trisha G******z
🇺🇸  USA
12 Feb 2022 06:29
  Verified Purchase: "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"
Surfing is my passion. I love surfing freely in the open sea, through the rolling waves almost on a daily bases. It's like I am free as a dolphin out in the open waves...

But as you know, surfing in the open, salt water sea is very very hard on the hair and skin, especially with the sun accelerating the deterioration of your hair and skin, making you looking older than your actual age...

I got alarmed when I discover flaky skin with red rashes on my face, in particular around my nose and mouth...I thought that it was the salty water but my doctor told me that it was just my skin degrading with all the years of swimming...

Also my hair has gotten worse...Its thinning! I don't want to be balding! What could be worst than a balding surfer out in the open sea!!??

So my doctor has recommended me with GummBear's "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies".

So far it took away that red rashes and flaking skin (which has put me off from swimming for a couple of weeks now) and it has been doing a really good job of keeping my skin supple and bouncy to the touch...

In addition, my hair felt thicker and more fuller...Hopefully it can stop that thinning hair from now onwards...

From the looks of it, I feel positive that my skin and hair is improving so I probably will make sure to keep a couple of bottles of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" on my surfing escapades from now on...

That's all the magic that I need; the rolling waves and my trusty skin/hair vitamin gummies!!
GummBear's Advanced Hair, Skin And Nails Gummies Review - Skin Vitamin Gummies As Part Of Skincare And Beauty Regimen Every Morning To Nourish Skin From The Inside Out
 Cheryl J M***s
🇨🇦  Canada
06 Mar 2022 07:51
  Verified Purchase: "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"
Skin cleaning, moisturising and's "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" is the way to go to beautiful skin, as nature intends it to be...

At least, that is what my dermatologists told me...

Proper cleaning and moisturising from the outside while "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" works its magic from the inside...

That's my secret to beautiful skin, nails and hair...!! Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies Review - Improves Damaged, Colored Hair From Harsh Colouring Hair Dyes Into Healthy Shiny, Happy Hair Again
 Patricia J*****n
🇺🇸  USA
07 Mar 2022 16:49
  Verified Purchase: "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"
I love coloring my hair every other month. My besties loves my stylish colors on it, my brothers post my hair style on Instagram about it, even strangers gives flattering comments as they walk past in the mall...

But too much bleaching and coloring my hair month-after-month is slowly killing my healthy hair...

So that is why I am dependent on "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" to fix the impossible repair from inside-out. It does a great job fixing all these styling stresses and damages to my hair!

So hopefully I can keep on setting new hair trends and increasing my followers on Instagram!!

#advanced hair skin and nails gummies
GummBear Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies Reviews - Best Skin Vitamins For Fast Food Lovers To Supplement Essential Nutrients And Vitamins For Beautiful, Supple Skin And Thicker, Luscious Hair With Reduced Hairfalls
 Alicia B***n
🇺🇸  USA
18 Jan 2022 14:48
  Verified Purchase: "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"
I have a confession to make:

I hate eating plain vegetables...
I hate eating fruits as well...
I really really really hate salads...
I am very picky when it comes to food...
In fact, I don't like many things...
I just love eating McDonalds...Or KFC...

So when mum makes me eat any vitamin pills (she says I need vitamins everyday), or any capsules, I have to force myself to swallow those horrible pills...

Sometimes, I throw up all over the floor because the pills just taste plain nasty...

But it's different now that she gets me "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"...

It's delicious-tasting gummy-bears...
I am okay with this arrangement...
Thanks mum...

:) Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies Reviews- Massive Hair Improvements From Constant Hairfalls And Thinning Hair Into Thick, Luscious, Fuller-Looking, Stronger And Gorgeous Hair
 Janice O'B***n
🇺🇸  USA
28 Feb 2022 23:39
  Verified Purchase: "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"
I always believed in eating the right amount of carbs, proteins and fats, together with wholesome fruits and vegetables...Of course, exercise and yoga when I can find the time after work...

But as soon as I hit my early 30s, I didn't realise that those may not be sufficient for me, or my body either...

I develop thinning, brittle and falling hair...initially i shrugged it, thinking that it will go away but not long after, my nails start to display the same brittleness as my hair...

The situation worsens in the summer when the sun is out, revealing a balding spot on the top regions of my head and I had to stop going out without any headgear, like a hat, because I'm too embarrassed that people will notice it...

I googled and found something to treat my thinning, brittle hair and nails, as a form of hair and nails treatment on my own, and got a bottle of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies".

Surprisingly, it worked, despite being skeptical about it and I learnt that it helps to reduce these hair and nails disorders, which I feel very grateful for...

In all fairness, I think I will just stick to this since it has been doing a decent job alleviating my falling hair and brittle nails... Thanks!
GummBear Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair Skin And Nails Gummies Reviews - 2 Gummies Every Morning After Breakfast To Defend My Hair And Skin Against Harsh Hair Products And Suffocating, Thick Makeup That I Have To Endure During Every Modelling Photoshoot
 Caprice K****r
🇺🇸  USA
18 Jan 2022 14:48
  Verified Purchase: "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"
I was born to model. I take care of what I eat and hit the gym every morning so that I stay in shape. I model and go for photo-shoots all day long in front of the camera. Plus, women admire my beauty wherever I go! Which is awesome!

But even the beautiful Helen of Troy has a weakness. It saddens me that my weakness are my hair and skin, to be honest...

You see, when you model products for a living, your hair and skin are constantly under attack by harsh hair and skin chemicals, physical styling stress, damaging heat from hair-dryers/curlers/steamers/etc and some products even has long-lasting chemical residue causing my hair to thin and my skin to violently react through red blemishes and breakouts...

So what I don't tell the girls are that I am highly dependent on "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" by

I make sure I don't forget about taking them every morning after brushing my teeth, just before drinking my beauty honey water...

Because if I ever forget having them, even on a single day, the damage shows on my hair and face after a couple of days.

And yes, I also love munching those tasty gummies! Makes a huge difference on whether I love my skin vitamins or not!

Because I am for sure not loving those skin vitamins in the bitter pills format!! Just give me my beauty gummies any day!!


 How do I take "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies"?

For adults, take two (2) gummies daily, preferably with a meal.
Do not exceed suggested dosage.

 What are the benefits of hair skin and nails gummies?

Studies have shown that the benefits of hair skin and nails gummies may:
- support a reduction of thinning and falling hair,
- support a reduction of comedonal acne (blackheads & whiteheads),
- support skin suppleness and hydration,
- support a reduction of red-scaly rashes on faces (eyes, nose and mouth regions),
- support a reduction of skin infections
- support thicker, stronger nails

 What are the side effects of hair skin and nails gummies?

There are no negative side effects when taking "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies".

"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" is an all-natural, Non-GMO supplement that combines the highest quality, carefully researched ingredients that may support thicker, stronger hair and nails and may support supple skin through an all-natural ingredient formulation.

 How long does it take for hair skin and nail gummies to work?

You should see positive benefits anywhere from 30 days to 90 days.

However, we recommend taking it for 90 days before deciding that the product is not for you.

 Can Biotin cause weight gain?

Biotin is a water-soluble nutrient and the human body does not store it.

In fact, excess Biotin is excreted out of the body through urine, and requires daily supplementation of Biotin to support the growth and maintenance of your hair, skin and nails cells.

No, Biotin does not increase your weight when consumed alongside a sensible diet.

 What if I don't see any results? What is the guarantee or return policy?

We include with every purchase a risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee.

Simply put, if "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" doesn't work for you, send it back to us and we'll refund you immediately with no questions asked.

 Does "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" contain sugars, calories, or carbs?

No! "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" uses a blend of proven all natural ingredients and contains ZERO sugars, carbs, or calories!

 Do hair and nail growth gummies work?

Yes, hair and nail growth gummies do work and should see positive benefits anywhere from 30 days to 90 days.

However, we recommend taking it for 90 days before deciding that the product is not for you.

 What are nature's bounty advanced hair skin and nails gummies side effects

There are no negative side effects when taking "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies".

"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" is an all-natural, Non-GMO supplement that combines the highest quality, carefully researched ingredients that may support thicker, stronger hair and nails and may support supple skin through an all-natural ingredient formulation.

 What is hair skin and nails gummies advanced

"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" is a nutritional supplement that may support healthy, thicker hair, may support supple skin and may support thicker, healthy nails.

Studies have shown that the benefits of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" may, support a reduction of thinning and falling hair, support a reduction of comedonal acne (blackheads & whiteheads), support skin suppleness and hydration, support a reduction of red-scaly rashes on faces (eyes, nose and mouth regions), support a reduction of skin infections and support thicker, stronger nails.

 What is advanced hair, skin and nails jelly beans

"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" is a nutritional supplement that may support healthy, thicker hair, may support supple skin and may support thicker, healthy nails.

Studies have shown that the benefits of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" may, support a reduction of thinning and falling hair, support a reduction of comedonal acne (blackheads & whiteheads), support skin suppleness and hydration, support a reduction of red-scaly rashes on faces (eyes, nose and mouth regions), support a reduction of skin infections and support thicker, stronger nails.

 What is Hair Skin Nails Nature's Bounty

"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" is a nutritional supplement that may support healthy, thicker hair, may support supple skin and may support thicker, healthy nails.

Studies have shown that the benefits of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" may, support a reduction of thinning and falling hair, support a reduction of comedonal acne (blackheads & whiteheads), support skin suppleness and hydration, support a reduction of red-scaly rashes on faces (eyes, nose and mouth regions), support a reduction of skin infections and support thicker, stronger nails.

 What is nature's bounty hair, skin and nails advanced 230 gummies

"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" is a nutritional supplement that may support healthy, thicker hair, may support supple skin and may support thicker, healthy nails.

Studies have shown that the benefits of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" may, support a reduction of thinning and falling hair, support a reduction of comedonal acne (blackheads & whiteheads), support skin suppleness and hydration, support a reduction of red-scaly rashes on faces (eyes, nose and mouth regions), support a reduction of skin infections and support thicker, stronger nails.

 Nature's bounty hair, skin and nails 2x biotin reviews

Here is a review that says "I always believed in eating the right amount of carbs, proteins and fats, together with wholesome fruits and vegetables...Of course, exercise and yoga when I can find the time after work...But as soon as I hit my early 30s, I didn't realise that those may not be sufficient for me, or my body either...I develop thinning, brittle and falling hair...initially i shrugged it, thinking that it will go away but not long after, my nails start to display the same brittleness as my hair...The situation worsens in the summer when the sun is out, revealing a balding spot on the top regions of my head and I had to stop going out without any headgear, like a hat, because I'm too embarrassed that people will notice it...I googled and found something to treat my thinning, brittle hair and nails, as a form of hair and nails treatment on my own, and got a bottle of "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies". Surprisingly, it worked, despite being skeptical about it and I learnt that it helps to reduce these hair and nails disorders, which I feel very grateful for...In all fairness, I think I will just stick to this since it has been doing a decent job alleviating my falling hair and brittle nails... Thanks!"

 Nature's bounty hair, skin and nails before and after pictures

Here are a few before and after pictures of our customers after taking "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies", after a period of 90-days
Nature's bounty hair, skin and nails before and after pictures after taking more than 90 days of Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies
Nature's bounty hair, skin and nails before and after pictures after taking more than 60 days of Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies

 Can you overdose on hair skin and nails gummies?

For adults, take two (2) gummies daily, preferably with a meal.
Do not exceed suggested dosage.

 Are there any side effects of power gummies?

There are no negative side effects when taking "Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies".

"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" is an all-natural, Non-GMO supplement that combines the highest quality, carefully researched ingredients that may support thicker, stronger hair and nails and may support supple skin through an all-natural ingredient formulation.

 Does hair care gummies work?

Yes, hair care gummies do work and should see positive benefits anywhere from 30 days to 90 days.

However, we recommend taking it for 90 days before deciding that the product is not for you.

 Which gummies are best for hair growth?

"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" has been overwhelmingly voted as the best gummies for hair growth

 What grows hair faster?

"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" nutrition's formulation may be able to support faster hair growth just by simply taking 2 gummies every morning, alongside a sensible breakfast.

 Does hair gummies make your hair grow?

Studies have shown that hair gummies may support a reduction of thinning and falling hair while supporting the growth of thicker, fuller-looking hair, anywhere from 30 days to 90 days.

 How fast do hair gummies work?

Studies have shown that hair gummies typically work anywhere from 30 days to 90 days.

However, we recommend taking it for 90 days before deciding that the product is not for you.

 Does power gummies increase weight?

No, power gummies do not increase weight when consumed alongside a sensible diet

 Does biotin cause depression?

No, biotin does not cause depression, when consumed alongside a sensible diet

 Is it OK to take biotin everyday?

Biotin is a water-soluble nutrient and the human body does not store it. In fact, excess Biotin is excreted out of the body through urine, and requires daily supplementation of Biotin to support the growth and maintenance of your hair, skin and nails cells. Yes, it is OK to take biotin everyday.

 Should I take biotin everyday?

Biotin is a water-soluble nutrient and the human body does not store it. In fact, excess Biotin is excreted out of the body through urine, and requires daily supplementation of Biotin to support the growth and maintenance of your hair, skin and nails cells. Yes, you should take biotin everyday.

 Can I take multivitamin and biotin together?

Yes you can take multivitamins and Biotin together. Biotin is a water-soluble nutrient and the human body does not store it. In fact, excess Biotin is excreted out of the body through urine, and requires daily supplementation of Biotin to support the growth and maintenance of your hair, skin and nails cells.

 Do hair skin and nail gummies really work?

Yes, hair skin and nail gummies really do work!
Studies have shown that the benefits of hair skin and nails gummies may:
- support a reduction of thinning and falling hair,
- support a reduction of comedonal acne (blackheads & whiteheads),
- support skin suppleness and hydration,
- support a reduction of red-scaly rashes on faces (eyes, nose and mouth regions),
- support a reduction of skin infections
- support thicker, stronger nails

 What are the side effects of hair skin and nails vitamins

There are no negative side effects when taking hair skin and nails vitamins.

"Cleopatra's Beauty Secret - Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies" is an all-natural, Non-GMO supplement that combines the highest quality, carefully researched ingredients that may support thicker, stronger hair and nails and may support supple skin through an all-natural ingredient formulation.